Benjamin Franklin (1706 – 1790) achieved much in his life as a scientist, while still having time for success in business as a profitable entrepreneur in printing and writing, an innovative investor, a statesman critical in forming legislation for a new nation, a diplomat allowing a new nation to form, a philanthropist with an eye to be benefit of future generations, and above all – a visionary. Due to his wide range of extraordinary abilities he is one of the most accomplished and remarkable men in American history.
Ben Franklin was born in Boston and at an early age fell in love with reading. At age 12 he began an apprenticeship to his brother James, a printer, where he learned the printing trade. After five years he fled to Philadelphia looking for a new beginning to life and shortly after arrival in the city he quickly relocated to London on a promise from the Pennsylvania Governor that he could get some equipment to start a newspaper. When the promise fell through he returned to Philadelphia and founded The Pennsylvania Gazette. He continued to have success as an author when he published Poor Richard’s Almanack, a publication covering various topics which he continued for 26 years.
By the age of 42 Franklin was wealthy enough to retire from the printing business, where he became a gentlemen and began to engage in the curiosities of the day. This was the beginning of his short, but important time in life as a scientist and inventor. Some of his more famous inventions were the Franklin stove and the bifocal glasses, but his most famous scientific work is in electricity. The kite experiment that Franklin is supposed to have carried out was used to prove the lightning and electricity are the same phenomenon. This led to the invention of the lightning rod placed on buildings used to prevent fires.
As events in the American colonies continued to advance towards revolution Franklin eventually gave up his scientific inquiries and devoted the remainder of his life to being a politician, statesmen, and eventually a peacemaker. He was one of the founding fathers of the United States and played critical roles in shaping its destiny.
I always enjoy reading your posts, they make me learn something new each time. I’ve heard the name Benjamin Franklin before but did not really know his achievements and works. Thanks for sharing this!