Carl Sagan (1934 – 1996) was an American astronomer, influential popularize of science, and author. His scientific achievements and contributions are vast. He published over 600 scientific papers, authored over 20 books, and co-wrote the popular 1980 television series Cosmos.
Early Life

(Credit: NASA)
Carl Sagan was born in 1934 in Brooklyn, New York. As he recalls in his books, he acquired an interest in science at a young age. One influential experience was a visit to the 1939 New York World Fair at the age of four. After that experience he frequently read books on astronomy from his local library. Sagan attended the University of Chicago where he was associated with or taught by many notable scientists and Nobel Laureates. He completed his B.S. in 1955, M.S. in physics in 1955, and in 1960 was awarded his Doctorate in astronomy and astrophysics.
Scientific Career
Carl Sagan had a distinguished career. He first worked as a fellow at the University of Berkley, California for two years before being offered a lecture position at Harvard University. After working at Harvard for a few years he was surprisingly denied tenure. He quickly moved on to Cornell University where he became their director of Laboratory for Planetary Studies. He later was promoted to associate director of the Center for Radiophysics and Space Research. In 1977, he was named the David Duncan Professor of Astronomy and Space Science, a position he held for the rest of his life.
He worked with NASA several of their space missions. He helped determine possible landing sites on Mars for the Viking Program. He was instrumental in sending out the first physical messages sent into space in the form of the Pioneer Plaque and the more famous Voyager Golden Record.

(Credit: Wikimedia Commons)
While he was always a respected scientists among his colleagues, but it was the highly successful Mariner missions to Mars launched Sagan’s public career. People wanted to know more about Mars and Sagan became a sort of spokesperson about the topic. He was selected to appear in several educational films and his exceptional style and clear delivery quickly earned him notoriety. His expertise was in high demand and he soon began appearing on television talk shows. Carl Sagan had become a celebrity scientist.
Bringing Science to the People
Carl Sagan had a burning passion to share his love of science with everyone. He was a prolific author and who made reading about science enjoyable. In 1978 he won a Pulitzer Prize for The Dragons of Eden. The following year he co-wrote the popular PBS televisions series Cosmos. The series was a smashing success and more than 600 million people have viewed the series before the century was over. Sagan died of pneumonia in 1996 at the age of 62.
This is one of my husband’s heroes for sure. My husband adores all things space and even applied to be an astronaut! He sounds like a rather interesting man. I wish I could have had a conversation with him!
I always love reading your article because you’v always shared things that we don’t know and things that we need to know. This is a very informative article and thank you for sharing this with us.
Carl Sagan is such a central figure in making science accessible. He also helped make it interesting to those who may not think of themselves as scientifically minded. A very distinguished career.
I love all the information you shared on Carl Sagan. He was certainly a scientific marvel. My sister loved him and she was a big ol space nerd. Went to space camp and everything! 🙂
Carl Sagan certainly was a scientific wonder. All the information you shared is good to know. Thank you so much for sharing it
Great information about a great scientist. So many accomplishments in his lifetime.
This is such great information! I have heard of Carl Sagan, but I really didn’t know much about him before reading this.
I’ve heard the name Carl Sagan before but didn’t know he did so much. I’ve always been interested in astronomy and space and loved visiting NASA in Cape Canaveral when I lived in Florida.
I love how informative all your posts are. Thanks for sharing about Carl Sagan’s accomplishments.
Carl Sagan an American astronomer, influential popularize of science, and author seems like an interesting person to come to know through his work in the sciences.
Wow, he sounds like an amazing man. I may not know him without you sharing this with us. Thank you for always sharing an informative and yet educational article.
I have heard of Carl Sagan but had no idea all the things he truly did for science. Thank you for sharing.
never heard of him and I dont know a thing abt his contributions, thank u for the info, now im aware
Such an interesting man. I will have to check out Dragons of Eden.
Such great information about Carl Sagan he’s one of the great scientists that people should know 🙂
Wow! Such an interesting inspiration. I like people who bring science to life and people to science.
Wow, he is such a genius. I didn’t know about these wonderful facts about him before. Thanks for sharing..!
This was some really awesome information. I had no idea who he was before this!
Carl Sagan was one of my heroes. We need more people like him in this world.